SKU: 5446N
27,50 €
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Ukselink sobilik 20 sajandi esimese poole interjööridesse, interax 63mm, WC-sulguriga 8x8mm.
SKU: 19.023865
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With red and white marking. Can be opened from outside in an emergency.
Fits all toilet locks with 5 mm square in the spindle bushing.
The hole for the handle can be drilled up to max ø16 mm.
In terms of period and style, door handles 5516, 5517, 5532, 5542, 5547, 5554, 5557, 5559, 5598 match this plate.
In this case, the handles must be ordered without rosettes.
Also available a long plate with key hole, see 5451.
Fits all toilet locks with 5 mm square in the spindle bushing.
The hole for the handle can be drilled up to max ø16 mm.
In terms of period and style, door handles 5516, 5517, 5532, 5542, 5547, 5554, 5557, 5559, 5598 match this plate.
In this case, the handles must be ordered without rosettes.
Also available a long plate with key hole, see 5451.
SKU: 5451TN
65,30 €